A lot going on in this sermon.
Righteous can mean mercy > strict adherence to the law.
What "fully human, fully divine" means.
And more!
Saint Joseph from OSLC’s
Nativity, 2022. Photo by Lance Henderson.
A lot going on in this sermon.
Righteous can mean mercy > strict adherence to the law.
What "fully human, fully divine" means.
And more!
Saint Joseph from OSLC’s
Nativity, 2022. Photo by Lance Henderson.
IMAGE CREDIT: USMC firing Tow Missle, 2005. Image is public domain and found at Wikimedia Commons.
IMAGE CREDIT: Majestic Milky Way, posted by Chalizham. Image used with permision under Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 and found at Wikimedia Commons.