Sunday, December 18, 2022

Parsing out the Incarnation


A lot going on in this sermon.  

Righteous can mean mercy > strict adherence to the law. 

What "fully human, fully divine" means. 

And more!



Saint Joseph from OSLC’s Nativity, 2022.  Photo by Lance Henderson.

Sunday, December 11, 2022

What sort of justice does the Messiah bring?

 Many believed the prophets foretold a violent punishment of the unrighteous with the coming of the messiah. Perhaps even John the Baptist.  But Jesus informs him that the Advent of the Messiah will look very different.

ADVENT 3 Sermon

IMAGE CREDIT: USMC firing Tow Missle, 2005.  Image is public domain and found at Wikimedia Commons.

Sunday, December 4, 2022

Repentance? Got it! How?

After several weeks of tech issues (and one Sunday off on vacation), I am finally back to the online sermon game.    Oddly, I had a funeral yesterday and thought I exhausted my homiletical muscles for the weekend.   I had little to none driving to church this morning. I informed the Holy Spirit that I was going to need help this morning in the pulpit.   BOOM! Delivered! Thanks be to God. Try to pick up how many events in the sermon are events that had happened this morning. 

Listen on Soundcloud


IMAGE CREDIT: Majestic Milky Way, posted by Chalizham.  Image used with permision under Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 and found at Wikimedia Commons.