Sunday, April 26, 2020

The Third Sunday of Easter

It's all about the Word and Sacrament.

Click HERE to listen. 

Prelude: "Praise to the Lord, the Almighty"  Micheelsen
Hymn: ELW 392 "Alleluia!Sing to Jesus!" Verses 1, 3

1      Alleluia! Sing to Jesus;
        his the scepter, his the throne;
        Alleluia! his the triumph,
        his the victory alone.
        Hark! The songs of peaceful Zion
        thunder like a mighty flood:
        "Jesus out of ev'ry nation
        has redeemed us by his blood."

3      Alleluia! Bread of heaven,
        here on earth our food, our stay;
        Alleluia! here the sinful
        flee to you from day to day.
        Intercessor, friend of sinners,
        earth's redeemer, hear our plea
        where the songs of all the sinless

        sweep across the crystal sea.

Sunday, April 19, 2020

Second Sunday of Easter

Prelude: "Rejoice Greatly, O My Soul"  Karg-Elert
Gospel: John 20:19-31
Click HERE to listen
Hymn: Thine is The Glory

1      Thine is the glory,
        risen, conqu'ring Son;
        endless is the vict'ry
        thou o'er death hast won!
        Angels in bright raiment
        rolled the stone away,
        kept the folded grave-clothes
        where thy body lay.

        Thine is the glory,
        risen, conqu'ring Son;
        endless is the vict'ry
        thou o'er death hast won!

3      No more we doubt thee,
        glorious Prince of life;
        life is naught without thee;
        aid us in our strife;
        make us more than conqu'rors,
        through thy deathless love;
        bring us safe through Jordan
        to thy home above.  Refrain

Sunday, April 5, 2020

Palm Sunday

Confession--my senior year of seminary, knowing that I'd spend every Easter working for the foreseeable future--we went to Disney that weekend.    I never expected an Easter that would be pushed aside for a global pandemic.   And so the oddest Holy Week of anyone's lives begins.   The hymn at the end is the first and last verses of "All Glory, Laud and Honor". 

Click HERE for the sermon. 

        All glory, laud, and honor
        to you, redeemer, king,
        to whom the lips of children
        made sweet hosannas ring.

1      You are the king of Israel
        and David's royal Son,
        now in the Lord's name coming,
        our King and Blessed One. 

       All glory, laud, and honor        to you, redeemer, king,

        to whom the lips of children
        made sweet hosannas ring.

5      Their praises you accepted;
        accept the prayers we bring,
        great author of all goodness,
        O good and gracious King. 

      All glory, laud, and honor to you, redeemer, king,

        to whom the lips of children
        made sweet hosannas ring.

For the life of me, I cannot figure out why cutting and pasting is so difficult on blogspot.