Sunday, January 31, 2021

Thing I don't know.

 My February Grapevine Newsletter article.

Grapevines in the snow. 

Grace and Peace to you from God our Father and our Lord Jesus Christ!

There is an old joke about pastors—“the riskiest question you can ask your pastor is this, ‘Pastor, can you say a few words about…. ”  One thing that many, many pastors share is the absolute joy we have listening to the sounds of our own voices.  And so the humor of the joke is that just about every pastor I know (including me) is more likely to say 1000 words than “just a few”.  The amazing thing is that the topic does not even have to be one we particularly know a whole lot about!   Give 15 minutes of your attention on Sunday mornings to a man* who talks about God and the scriptures, suddenly he imagines people want to hear from him on many things anytime.   But the jig was up; it had to end.   And so COVID-19 has claimed another victim—the self-delusion that my so-thought wise, important and plentiful words were beneficial.

I say this only because, for over a month now, about the only words I think or say seem to be “I don’t know.”  I suppose the good thing might be that they are honest words.   I really do not know.   I suppose I got lucky last month when I predicted that the first part of 2021 was going to be a whole lot like most of 2020.   Little did I know that we were headed to another worship shut down.  

If your main contact with the goings-on of Our Saviour Lutheran Church is The Grapevine, you may not know that we have stopped in-person worship until February 28.  And really, that is the earliest date.   Council will re-evaluate at our mid-February meeting whether we will resume on the 28th or extend it later into the spring.   And just as mysterious as infection rates, vaccination supplies, truthfulness in media and everything else are, the goings-on at OSLC for the Lenten season are every bit a mystery.

· Are we having Lenten Services?  I don’t know.  

· What about Holy Week?  I don’t know.

· Surely something for Ash Wednesday, right? Yeah, probably.   I don’t know.

· What’s this mean for our fellowship groups?  I don’t know. 

· How long are you going to go with this list of examples, Pastor?  I don’t know.

I think you’re getting the point by now.  

Despite the seemingly negative tone of this article, I’m not without hope.   Viruses come and go.  Vaccines get distributed and they don’t.    Political parties trade power like a kindergarten trades the common cold.   And, yet, we know that Hebrews 3:18 tells us “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.”  It’s something to really mull over in our world today.    What exactly should you take from that?   I don’t know.   But I sounds awfully important for me to hear, too.

Peace in Christ,

Pastor Lance

*This applies to women pastors too.

Food sacrificed to idols and refusing masks

They aren't exactly comparable, but they do have some similarities.

For Audio of my sermon on 1 Corinthians 8:1-13, (Scripture not recorded), listen HERE

For video of the full worship service as broadcast on FaceBook Live, go TO THIS ONE

Thank you for watching, listening and praying.

Our chancel looks more like a studio every week.

Sunday, January 24, 2021

2nd Sunday with only an online audience

We have gone to online worship only for the time being.   It's a strange experience, but it is still worship of the One worth our worship. 

The following are the links to electronic versions of today worship experience.

 For Audio of my sermon on Mark 1:14-20, listen HERE:

For video of the full worship service as broadcast on FaceBook Live, use THIS link:

Thank you for watching, listening and praying.

My "pulpit" for the time being. 

Wednesday, January 20, 2021


 Grace and peace from God our Father and our Lord Jesus Christ!

It finally got here—AD* 2021–perhaps the world’s most eagerly anticipated year that I have seen in my lifetime.  


I am as excited as anyone to leave 2020 behind.  But not so much that I can’t see that God was richly giving us countless blessings throughout the year.  Besides, the most irksome matters—masks, runs on toilet paper, weird (and often pointless to me) policies of commerce and government—are going to be hanging around for a while.


All that opinion-giving aside, it is the new year, and tradition holds that NOW is the time we make New Year’s resolutions.   I have a mixed history with personal resolutions.  So let’s set those aside for this newsletter’s sake and talk about resolutions you can make that will help out OSLC. 


This year, your giving has remained solid.   Simultaneously we have had lots of costs drop.   So financially we are doing well.   Keep it up. 


But I want to talk about volunteerism.   That’s the giving of your time and your non-monetary talents.   It is there that we need help.   You can see it on the ministries that are listed monthly in The Grapevine and weekly in the bulletin.    We have all noticed that over the past year, there is a lot more gaps than there has been in years past.   AND I TOTALLY UNDERSTAND WHY!   Why sign up for a month of responsibilities  when any Sunday you might not come because you have a scratchy throat, and you know that people will stare at you like you have a scarlet “COVID” around your neck if you just clear your throat.   Some just don’t want to be around more than 10 people.   I get that.   Al of us are older and haven’t as much energy.  The reasons go on and on. 


But there are lots of things that still need to be done here.   Sure, as much as anyone, I would like to have a robed youth serving as an acolyte every Sunday.   The realty is we don’t have those around, but it is okay.   The candles will get lit.   But tellers, ushers, altar guild, property are all things that we still need.  


I’m asking you to resolve to use some creativity to get the things done that we need to have done.    Do NOT assume that there is a list of rules to be followed to the letter to get these things done.   Got a better idea?  Let’s hear it!   Can’t do a whole month?  Partner up with someone or three other people.   Do two things if you can on a Sunday.   Not coming because of the virus?   Sign up for property and show up after everyone is gone.  Be a teller and work masked with another in the fellowship hall 12 feet away from one another.  


If we were having financial difficulties, I would be writing about that.  We aren’t.  THANKS BE TO GOD!  But every week we are scrambling to get the assigned tasks complete.  If we can let the  stewardship attitudes that we have inform other areas, such as time and non-monetary talents.   We’ll be fine.  


Peace in Christ,

Pastor Lance


*fun fact—“AD” does not mean “After [Jesus’] Death”.  Rather, it is the abbreviation of the Latin phrase “Anno Domini” which means “the year of Our Lord”.  We started counting our years from what was initially calculated to be Jesus’ birth, not his death. 


Sunday, January 17, 2021

In the COVID-19 era, worship is always changing.

Curious day.   We are beginning 6 weeks of no in-person worship.  Felt strange, but felt like worship.   As always, some improvements to be made, but we will get them made.   

 For audio alone of today’s sermon, you may follow this link:

 For a video  of the entire worship, follow this link.

 Thank you for watching, listening to, participating in, supporting, and praying for this ministry.

Sunday, January 10, 2021

The issues that confront America and the power of Creation


The following are the links to electronic versions of today worship experience.


For Audio of Pastor Lance’s sermon on Genesis 1:1-5, listen here:



For video of the full worship service as broadcast on FaceBook Live, watch here:



For a copy of the prayers handed out this morning, go here.



Thank you for watching, listening and praying.

Sunday, January 3, 2021

The Tenth Day of Christmas

No Ten Lords a'leapin' here.   Just one Lord.   

Today was the 12th Anniversary of my ordination!   I'm celebrating!

The following are the links to electronic versions of today worship experience.

For Audio of my sermon on John 1:10-18, listen here:


For video of the full worship service as broadcast on FaceBook Live, watch here:



Improved audio and video from previous weeks!

Thank you for watching, listening and praying.    Merry Christmas!

Read Isaiah 1:3 to know why these to guys are in EVERY nativity seen.