Sunday, November 29, 2020

The new sound system is in! Advent 1 Links.

Today's worship service to start the new church year!  We are still working with the new sound system but the sound IS better.  Check it out.

I used to laugh at so-called "liturgical dance", but this hybrid in-life/ virtual worship requires more and more choreography of me every week!

Click HERE for the audio version.  Sermon on Isaiah 64:1-9 and Mark 13:24-37.  Not recorded.   Please read passages before listening.


Click ON THIS for the YouTube video of the full worship service. 

The pot pies mentioned in the sermon. YUM!

Sunday, November 22, 2020

Christ the King Sunday

 Today is the last Sunday of the Christian Year. Christ the King Sunday!

THIS guy does not qualify to be King

HERE is the full worship service from FaceBook live, edited some and put on our YouTube channel


HERE is the audio version of the sermon.    The sermon is on Ephesians 1:15-23 which did not get recorded.   So read that first.  

Sunday, November 15, 2020

After a week on vacation, Back in the saddle!

 Last Sunday I was visiting friends in Texas.   See if you can tell which one is me?   HINT:  I am the one with the BIGGIEST goofy smile. 

Here is today full worship service video on YouTube: 


If you want just to hear the audio of the sermon


Thanks for reading and subscribing

Sunday, November 1, 2020

All Saints Sunday

 It's All Saints Sunday.   A special one for me as we lit a candle and pealed a bell for my mother who passed in April.

For the Audio version of the sermon, CLICK HERE

For the Full worship service on video with great All Saints Sunday music at the postlude, Click Here