Sunday, July 26, 2020

The kingdom of heaven is like.....well, what?

Jesus makes a lot of comparison's in today's text to describe the kingdom of Heaven.   What difference does it make?   Listen HERE for today's sermon. 

Sunday, July 19, 2020

A big question---maybe the biggest

When one of the fundamental questions of life--why is there evil in this world--is central to the bible passage, you can know it's going to be a heavier sermon.
Click HERE to here my sermon on the Jesus' parable of the Wheat and the Weed (Matthew 13)

Sunday, July 12, 2020

Different Soils and The Generous Sower

Today's sermon was a fun one.   Developing fresh ways to talk about such a familiar passage is a challenge.  Click HERE to listen!

Sunday, July 5, 2020

First time back in the Sanctuary

Click HERE to hear the sermon for our first week back in the sanctuary since before Palm Sunday.   It was weird with masks, and social distancing and new communion practices, but we made it through and worshiped!