Sunday, May 29, 2022

Jesus Gives Our Unity

 Obviously, I haven't been posting here as of late.    We stopped video of our services, long story but I say, "THANKS BE TO GOD!"

We have continued to upload audio.   I don't know why I wasn't promoting it here.  But here is this week's sermon.



Illustration from “The pictorial Bible and commentator: presenting the great truths of God's word in the most simple, pleasing, affectionate, and instructive manner”, 1878, Authors: Cobbin, Ingram, 1777-1851 March, Daniel, 1816-1909 Brockett, L. P. (Linus Pierpont), 1820-1893 Stretton, Hesba, 1832-1911.  Public Domain.   Digital image found at

Why Did Thomas Doubt?


A return to some sound issues for the Easter Season  (*sign*)

I would suggest sticking to the audio if you want to hear the sermon. 


Today’s homily on Soundcloud (Audio Only). The reading is John 20:19-31.


The full Worship service YouTube is found here.


 Worship Bulletin, Celebrate with scripture readings, and Announcements can be located at the menu under News and Resources.


Thank you for watching, listening, and praying.